The YWRC proposes to drive the next steps of incorporating TIC into agency programming, and in the local community, by researching and developing an inclusive and youth tailored tool that could measure change in resiliency over time. Research will focus on what key components and protective factors are most important and integrating findings into a survey that can be utilized agency-wide. Through use of this survey, the YWRC will be better able to address to the needs of young women, ages 10-21, in both Prevention and Perinatal programs. The YWRC will also continue to train staff and the board in TIC and utilize results of the survey to be increasingly responsive in the development of programs. Building protective factors for clients in key settings like schools and homes will take a community effort. The YWRC will share the results of research, survey tools and lessons learned with the community in effort to further collaborate and improve tracking for other local organizations.