The rapid rise of obesity—especially among populations without adequate access to healthy food—is a public health epidemic. Among those affected, children are perhaps the most vulnerable. Research from Feeding America shows that more than 15.3 million children lived in food-insecure households in 2014. This total includes the approximately 1 in 5 children in Polk County who do not have access to the food they need to lead healthy, active lives. In response, DMARC will partner with the Mid-Iowa Health Foundation to launch the Childhood Nutrition Food Assistance Pilot Project. This project will focus on the implementation of targeted programming within food pantries across Polk County as a conduit to enhancing the healthy eating habits of children. Kid-friendly interventions, including in-pantry activities, education, and incentives will be used to educate young children and families visiting food pantries about proper nutrition and the importance of consuming healthy food.